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冲突适应理论 冲突监控理论: ACC的监控DLPFC的贮存 特征整合理论: 特征信息的捆绑,当前试次和先前试次特征部分重复时反应最慢(Hommel, 2004)。 学习理论: 意识与冲突适应 1.蒋军,2015,Conflict awareness dissociates theta-band neural dynamics of the medial frontal and lateral frontal cortex during trial-by-trial cognitive control 1.实验目的:θ波不同意识状态下,在额叶的内外分离 2.实验设计: 3.实验结果:(时频分析,源定位) Therefore,overall, MFC conflict-related activations seem to depend mainly on the strength and presence of conflict, but not necessarily the awareness thereof (D’Ostilio and Garraux, 2012; van Gaal et al., 2010b). On the other hand, DLPFC theta-band conflict adaptation modulations seem to have a more “all-or-none” profile (Dehaene et al., 2006) and might be uniquely present when conflict is experienced fully consciously. 4.结论: 无意识和意识条件下都出现MFC的激活,只有意识冲突下才出??DLPFC的激活。 2.蒋军,2014,心理学报,冲突适应独立于意识:来自行为和ERP 的证据 1.目的: 本研究的目的是从行为和认知神经层面上探讨冲突适应是否依赖于意识的参与 2.实验设计: 3.实验结果:ERP, N2,P3, N2 P3 4.结论: 采用行为和ERP 方法, 我们发现无意识刺激诱发的冲突也能够诱发人们的冲突控制功能。这说明冲突适应独立于意识, 也证明了人类认知加工系统的灵活性。本研究有助于揭示意识的功能与局限,为将来进一步揭示意识的功能奠定基础。本研究不但加深了无意识信息加工深度的认识, 也加深了对意识与认知控制关系的认识。但也提出了诸如这样的问题:什么认知功能是意识所特有的?这类问题值得将来进一步探讨。 3.蒋军,2015.Scientific Reports, EEG neural oscillatory dynamics reveal semantic and response conflict at difference levels of conflict awareness 1.目的:Because spectral analyses are more sensitive to conflict than ERP analyses and might reveal subtle modulations (for example in low visible trials) that cannot be revealed by ERPs we decided to focus on spectral analyses only in the present manuscript. 2.实验设计: 3.实验结果:(时频分析) 4.结论 语义和反应冲突都与MFC θ频带,和顶叶α频带有关。与意识无关。意识冲突状态下波???更大。冲突加工机制是一个“公共区域(不具有特异性)” We observed that both semantic as well as response conflict were associated with mid-frontal theta-band and parietal alpha-band power modulations, irrespective of the level of conflict awareness (high vs. low), although awareness of conflict increased these conflict-related power dynamics. These results show that both semantic and response conflict can be processed in the human brain and suggest that the neural osci



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