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高一英语必修2【外研版】 Module 2 Fantasy Literature导学案 课时计划 制作人:张华 屈楠 审核人:黄朝昕 张华 课 时 1 执教者: 班级: 时间: 课题 ModuleIntroduction Function 课型 New 教学 目标 introduce fantasy novels to the students and improve the students’ ability to appreciate fantasy novels and films. To know how to tell stories using present simple. 3.To know the popular fantasy novels and films of Western novelists. And appreciate fantasy basically and widen their knowledge to improve their cultural levels. 重点 Get students to understand how to use the adverbial clauses with –ing and grasp what meaning they stand for. 难点 Make students know how to write simple fantasy stories. 教法Task-based teaching method. 学法: Discussion, team-work and inquiry 教学 辅助 Multi-media 教 学 程 序 教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等) 师生活动 个性设计 S Step 2 Step 1:. In this part, the teacher can let the Ss answer the following questions in order to introduce the new module. Have you ever read a Harry Potter novel or seen one of the films? Do you enjoy it? Say why/why not. Have you ever read any other fantasy novels. What is it about? Are you interested in fantasy literature? Say why/why not. Have you read a fantasy novel called His Dark Materials? If you have, tell us much as you know about it. If you haven’t, read the passage in Activity 1.. Step 2: Ask the Ss to read the passage about His Dark Material and ask them tell us which words and phrases prove it is a fantasy novels. Then ask all the Ss to read the passage and finish Activity2 and every two compare their answers. At last teacher tell the Ss the right answers. Step 3: Let all the Ss read the words and phrases in the blanket and make sure to understand their basic meaning. Then ask every two students to choose5-8 words to make sentences. But all the sentences must be about the topic of the module. For example: S1: In my opinion, not only children but also adults enjoy fantasy stories. S2: In fantasy stories, all creatures can talk as hum


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