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35 5 () http: / /www. kustjourna.l com/ V ol 35 N o5 20 10 10 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Oct 2010 do:i 10 3969 / j issn 1007- 855x 2010 05 009 MC9S12DG128 周 泉, 王贵勇, 贾现广, 赵应兵 ( , 650224) : 以飞思卡尔公司的 l6 位微控制器M C9 S12DG 128B 作为核心控制单元, 设计了智能循线 模型汽车控制系 的软硬件 主要包括传感器选型及信号采集处理电机和舵机的控制等部 分 采用 l4 对红外光电传感器作为信息采集模块, 安装在小车前部, 检测跑道信息 通过电路 和程序对传感器信号进行采集和处理, 获取车模相对赛道的偏移量方向速度等信息, 对模 型车转向舵机和驱动电机进行控制, 完成智能模型车在不同弯道和速度下对转向和加减速的 柔性控制 : 智能运输系 ; 自动寻迹; 单片机编程; 智能模型车; 控制 : TP29 : B : 1007 - 855X ( 2010) 05 - 0037 - 04 Design of Smart Car ased onMC9S12DG128 ZHO U Q uan, W A NG Gu iyoug, J IA X ianguang, ZHAO Y ingb ing ( P rov inc ial K ey L ab o f IC Eng ine, K unm ing U n iversity o f Sc ience and T echno logy, K unm ing 650224, Ch ina) Abstract: The 16b it F reescale m icrocontro ller M C9S 12DG 128B is taken as the electronic contro l un it ( ECU ) A s a sm art car it can be designed and deve loped to track a b lack line on the w hite racew ay as fast and stab le as possible T he h ardw are and the sofwt are of the sm art car are then designed, wh ich include the line track ing m od u le, m otor driv ing m odule, servo controlling m odu le and sp eed sensor m odu le F ourteen infrared reflection sen sors in the front are selected to detect the racew ay T he relat ive position of the cen ter black line on the racew ay, direction and speed o f the car are ob tained and ana lyzed by ECU PW M signals are then sent to dr ive the DC m o to r and turn the servo to becom e flex ib le to adapt to different speeds and d ifferent corners Key words: in telligen t tran spo rt system; auto tracing; m icrocom puter programm ing; sm art car; control 0 , , , , 1 1, ,


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