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初中物理复习课如何备课和上课(国外英文资料) How to prepare lessons and lessons in junior high school physics review class First, we review the existing problems in Teaching 1. the review course is not included in the teaching schedule or content. Many schools do not have to review the course in teaching plan, especially no attention has been paid to the learning process in the review of new knowledge, arrangement of teaching contents more casual, most listed in the review in the review at the end of the semester. 2., the arrangement of the review class is random. In the beginning of the semester plan, there is no serious arrangement to review the teaching time, in the teaching found that students have problems, only temporary arrangements for a review, there is no systematic distribution review time. 3. there is no preparation process in the review class. A lot of the review class has become a problem class, found that students have difficulty in learning, temporary exercises, homework, testing, did not do serious analysis and lesson preparation, there is no review of the teaching design. 4., review lesson, teaching method is unitary. Some of our teachers review classes, that is, lectures, that is, the reproduction of knowledge, from beginning to end to describe the knowledge once again. Many teachers think that the review class should be like this, not to listen to, and what other good methods, review methods should be determined by the people, according to the content of the method. 5., review content is general, there is no heavy difficulty. Due to the limited time of the review class, all the review should be detailed, slightly appropriate, clear knowledge points, focus, break through difficulties, solve weaknesses, seize the key points. 6., the choice of exercises, no representation, pay attention to quantity and ignore the quality. Many teachers believe that the best way to strengthen the review class is to solve the problems, and choose a lot of exercises for students to finish


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