参考题目 数学建模(国外英文资料).doc

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参考题目 数学建模(国外英文资料)

参考题目 数学建模(国外英文资料) Mathematics software practice reference topic 1., please combine the population growth model, collect the relevant data, analyze the changes of family planning policy since the founding of the peoples Republic of China, and put forward our own suggestions on the family planning policy in the future. 2. when swimming, the fish are not moving in straight lines, nor are they moving horizontally, but they are moving up and down in a zigzag manner, as shown in the following picture, Why do fish swim like this? Can we build a mathematical model from the point of view of energy to analyze it? 3. German psychologist Ai bin House done systematic research on forgetting phenomenon, find a law, forgetting is not balanced in the initial stage, soon forgotten, the future will gradually slow down, after a period of almost no longer forgotten. According to the experimental data fitting a forgetting curve, Q (T) = 100k/ (hlnt+k), the T unit is the day, the Q unit is%, k = 1.84, H = 1.25, trying to map the forgetting curve, and make a recite 3000 English words learning plan according to law. 4., according to the observation data of the Shanghai and Shenzhen two cities in the past year, the joint distribution and drawing are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the established model are analyzed and evaluated. If the data is not enough, we can use the data of the past two, three, five or even ten or twenty years to give their joint distribution, draw graphs, and analyze and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the established model. If the daily yield is not used, the daily opening price, the daily maximum price, the daily minimum price, or the daily closing price data, what is the result and make an estimate?. 5., from the China Statistical Yearbook to find in 2014, Chinas 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the town households average annual per capita expenditure of 8 major variables. In order to


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