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初中名词的分类,名词的用法(国外英文资料) 学习目标: 音标 元音 / a: / /? / /? / /? 和辅音: / / t / / D / / / g / / K 名词的学习 名词变复数 名词所有格 一、找出在单词中发相同音素的字母, 并因此给下列单词分类 Car Garden Star Guitar Dance March past Ask answer 通过观察上面单词中都含有相同的音素; ;;;; 故发音标 的字母组合特点是 Love Eats other Brother Monday are Nothing Bus Luck Luck Mutton Summer Pops up 通过观察上面单词中都含有相同的音素; ;;;; 故发音标 的字母组合特点是 Clock Pop Shop Office job Wash Ball Call Small Talk Walk want Wallet 通过观察上面单词中都含有相同的音素; ;;;; 故发音标 的字母组合特点是 August Autumn warm Quarter Draw Call Ball Sport Forty Order door floor 通过观察上面单词中都含有相同的音素; ;;;; 故发音标 的字母组合特点是 Tape Table Set Fat dad date day doctor daugher Key Book look make Sock Black Week get Go Big ? 通过观察上面单词中都含有相同的音素; ;;;; 故发音标 的字母组合特点是 二、十大词类 请写出下列词类的英文缩写 1.名词 2.动词 3.形容词 4.副词 5代词 6数词 7介词 8 冠词 9连词 10感叹词 实词: 指有实际意义, 能独立承担句子成分的词.实词有词形变化. 三、 名词的学习 名词的概念: 用来表示各种各样的人和事物名称的词就是名词. (如jim, Cup, desk, Boy, Woman, Water, hour, Wuhan, Far 等) 名词的范围包括: 人称、具体事物、抽象事物、时间、地点、方向等 专有名词: 姓名, 国家, 语言, 月份, 星期, 节日, 大学等 个体名词 Student Class Book House 可数名词 普通名词 (有单复数之分) 集体名词 Family, Class 物质名词: 自然物质, 食品, 饮料等 不可数名词 (没有复数形式) 抽象名词: 情感, 品质, 概念等 Happiness 名词的数 (1) write out the plural of the following nouns. Class, box, watch, brush, kinef, family, boy Toy, woman, child, key, desk, bread, water Tomato, life, sheep, Chinese, schoolbag, cup, son Watch, piano, restaurant, child, hospital, street, road Country, mountain, massgae, pet, zoo, host, actor Conclusion: the law of plural nouns changing into plural numbers 1 the change of the rules of plural nouns: (1) in general -s (plus suffix consonants after reading /s/, read after voiced consonants /z/) (2) ending with -s, -x, -sh, -ch (plus -es, read /iz/) For example: (boxes, buses, dishes, watches) (3) ending with -y: consonant with y, ending with y, I plus -es, vowel with y, and ending with -s 4) the word at the end of O: plus -es; plus -s (Black heroes love potatoes and tomatoes) (radio, video, zoo, piano, kangaroo, photo) (5) part of the word ending with f or Fe: change f, Fe to V, plus -es (half of the leav


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