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句型转换公开课教案(国外英文资料) Review topic -- sentence pattern transformation (general present tense) I. teaching objectives 1, knowledge objectives (1) can recognize and distinguish the verb be, the modal verb and the action verb; Be (am, are, is) / can, must, will, should/, run, play, sing, speak,... (2) able to translate declarative sentences into general questions skillfully, and make simple answers, and change the declarative sentences into negative ones; (3) master the sentence structure of special questions and ask questions; (4) master some problems that should be paid attention to in the transformation of sentence patterns, such as the transformation of some and any in different sentence patterns, and the change of the person with the change of the situation. 2, ability target (1) skilled in the sentence transformation of the present tense; (2) in Japan can learn by analogy, after learning from the present tense sentence conversion smooth transition to other temporal sentence sentence conversion; (3) write correct and complete sentences in further writing exercises. 3, emotional goals (1) through the study, let the students have a comprehensive understanding of the sentence pattern transformation, and do a good job; (2) through explanation and practice, let the students use what they have learned and strengthen their knowledge so as to further increase their confidence in learning english. Two, teaching difficulties 1, focus (1) a simple classification of verbs; (2) the conversion of declarative sentences, general questions (including simple answers), negative sentences, and special questions. 2, difficulties The conversion of declarative sentences, general questions (including simple answers), negative sentences, and special questions. Three, teaching steps Step1 Leading-in (import) the following T indicates the teacher, and S represents the student. The introduction of this years 3. 8 just occurred Malaysia Airlines passenger plane MH370 lost contact incident, let s


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