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大学英语_泛读第三册_期末复习答案(国外英文资料) College English Extensive Reading third volumes final review answer In English translation The Leaving aside such gasbags who are after all exceptions rather than The, rule, we, still, have, those, people, just, do, not, know, when, to, leave, well, alone, when, they, who, are,, speaking, or, something., explaining After all, people talk downright nonsense is the exception, not the rule, we just dont talk about them. But there are others, When they speak or explain something, simply do not know what time not overdo sth.. The Those with the gift of the gab are always and popular are welcomed Anywhere, any, time.They, are, the, souls, of, parties,, and, social, gatherings. People who are eloquent are always welcome and popular anytime, anywhere. They are central to parties and social occasions. Speech, was, my, undoing, and, silence, was, my, doom., I make a mistake and apologize, silence makes me hopeless. The The doctor warned me that there would be some as pain another dose Of, anaesthesia, was, out, of, the, question. The doctor reminded me that it might hurt a little because it was impossible to have another injection. If the subject matter difficult were careful reading was justified when it Was, easy, he, should, have, zipped, through, it. If the main content of what he reads is difficult, careful reading is taken for granted. If it doesnt work, he should read it quickly. The Bad readers trudge home with briefcases bulging with material that Should, have, been, read, on, job., the, people who read very slowly, tired of filling up the materials that had been read at the end of the work time, and taking them home. , To, break, yourself, the, habit, of, of, following, print, your, finger, grip The, sides, of, what, you, are, reading, firmly,, with, both, hands. To get rid of the habit of using your fingers to follow your words, hold your hand tightly to what you are reading. The Draw a line down the center of a newpaper column.Center you


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