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当代大学生交际能力的探索与思考(国外英文资料) Exploration and thinking of communicative ability of Contemporary College Students Abstract: a Arabia philosopher once said, a man without communicative ability is like a ship on land, and he will never drift to the sea of life.. The university stage is the golden age of life, good interpersonal relationship is an important content and basic conditions of College Students physical and mental health and development, has the important influence of their school during the period of learning, life and lifelong happiness. Literature search shows that todays college students are more interested in interpersonal communication than ever before, but there are also many problems in college students communication, [1]. This paper analyzes the importance of developing interpersonal skills, and puts forward some countermeasures for improving communicative competence. Key words: college students; communicative ability; importance; improvement I. communicative ability of College Students With the development of society, the ability of interpersonal communication has been paid more and more attention by college students. They have more active views and more urgent demands on interpersonal communication. The cultivation of College Students interpersonal communication ability is not only the modern talent concept, it is an urgent need for the development of college students, is an important auxiliary means for college students to acquire new knowledge and lay the foundation of the cornerstone of success, so for college students has very important significance. In real life, interpersonal communication of college students has made great progress, but there are many problems, mainly in: the desire to communicate with people, but the lack of experience and communication skills; for human consumption, but the limited capacity of the economy; the desire to have intimate friends, but the lack of sincere desire; but with the opposite sex. The actual intercourse is no


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