德语报刊选读 - 功能动词(国外英文资料).doc

德语报刊选读 - 功能动词(国外英文资料).doc

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德语报刊选读 - 功能动词(国外英文资料)

德语报刊选读 - 功能动词(国外英文资料) 一、 1. bid farewell to jdm 向某人告别 = from jdm adopt 2. i dont have 不知道 d 3. make a suggestion 做出暗示 4. recognition to find something 得到承认 / 认可 = to be recognized 5. afraid of d have 害怕... 6. come to think 得出这一观点 7. entitlement to a rise 对...提出要求 8. a request to d represent 对...提出申请 9. jdm on a question to answer of jdm on a question an answer 从某人处就...问题得到答案 10. of jdm an assignment 从某人处得到一项任务 jdm a mission / give 分给某人一项任务 11. expression of a 把...表达出来 express 12. take a bath 洗澡 13. a contribution to the work 为...做贡献 14. a consideration 观察 / 注意到... 15. in service / in operation befinden运转中 a operational 使...运转 16. to begin a relationship 与某人建立联系 jdm 17. terms are 与...有关 smth 18. a service 使...就职 / 发挥作用 19. in the discussion 被争论中 20. impression on jdn make 给...留下...印象 21. einflu? to take exercise jdn / 给...施加...影响 22. end 接近尾声 23. jdm for a permit 批准某人干... 24. a request to jdn are 对某人提出要求 25. au? he question 不予考虑 26. a question to ask 向某人提问 jdn 27. be in danger / in danger 处于危险之中 28. a word? i lead with jdm 与某人对话 29. jdm 给予某人帮助 = jdm help help 30. the hope for a 对...抱有希望 31. jn in knowledge 告知某人 set 32. with jdm contact 与某人建立联系 in contact with jdm 与某人保持联系 33. effect 生效 au? he force 失效 34. criticism of jdm practice 对某人施加批评 35. the power 当权 = to come to power 36. try with the 为...而努力 = a try to 37. jdm courage make 给某人勇气 38. of jdm nahcricht get 从某人处得知... 39. a fix 使...有序 40. protest against a rise 对...提出抗议 = a protest against 41. a council of jdm jdm advice / give a 从某人处得到一个建议 / 给某人一个建议 42. make a journey / companies 做一次旅行 43. consideration of a 顾及 / 考虑到... 44. jdn taking 保护某人 45. something to make 把...说出来 = a to 46. penalties are 被惩罚 = were punished 47. in streik treten 罢工 48. the überzeugung gelangen 深信... 49. eine verabredung take jdm 与某人约会 mit 50. in geraten 陷入怀疑 suspicious 51. eine vereinbarung take jdm 与某人达成协议 mit 52. jdm zur verfügung 供某人使用 rise a set jdm zur verfügung 将...提供于某人使用 52. in vergessenheit geraten 陷入遗忘 = young people were 53. mit jdm


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