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大学英语四级讲义(国外英文资料) A series of lectures on level Four training of A Education College English A common phenomenon in sentences in English Writing 1. manuscript format problem The title and punctuation of the subject, the punctuation mark in the text, the format of the lines, the names of people / places and other proper nouns. 2. spelling problems Spelling is the minimum basic skill that a candidate should have, but many spelling mistakes can often be found in the examinees compositions. The spelling composition will certainly be deduct, but there are a lot of spelling mistakes in writing not only reflects the basic language skills, but also directly affect the expression of content, usually the composition of the lower grade. 3. inconsistent issues Inconsistency mainly includes inconsistency of number (Dan Fushu), inconsistency of tense, pronoun inconsistency, subject predicate inconsistency, collocation errors of tense / person / number, etc.. Example: When, one, have, knowledge, he, can, do, what,, he, want, to, do. Exactly: Once, one, has, knowledge, he, can, do, what, he, wants (to, do) Analysis: one is singular, the third person, so the sentence have should be changed to has; similarly, want should be changed to wants., this sentence is a typical subject predicate inconsistent. Example: My, father, and, my, mother, is, all, teacher.: My, father, and, my,, mother, are, both, teachers. Example: When, I, get, to, the, station, the, train, leave.: When, I, got, to,, the, station, the, left., train, had Chinese verbs are tense, tense, person and number changes, which are very important for english. 4. pronoun misuse A lot of English pronouns form, including nominative, accusative, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns etc.. But not in Chinese, nominative and accusative possessive pronouns and possessive ranking points; in addition in Chinese many times without possessive pronouns and possessive pronouns in English, can not be omitted, misuse of pronouns is the most


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