教授教化论教案第五章 教授教化绳尺(国外英文资料).doc

教授教化论教案第五章 教授教化绳尺(国外英文资料).doc

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教授教化论教案第五章 教授教化绳尺(国外英文资料)

教学论教案第五章 教学原则(国外英文资料) Teaching theory lesson plan The fifth chapter is teaching principle Teaching aims and requirements: Through the study of this chapter, the students should know the concept of knowledge teaching principle, teaching principle, the teaching principles and teaching law, teaching principle, understanding and familiar with different teaching principles. Teaching emphasis: The concept of teaching principles, the relationship between teaching principles and teaching rules, teaching principles. Teaching difficulties: The relationship between teaching principles and teaching rules and teaching principles. Main content and period assignment: 2 The first section is an overview of teaching principles I. The concept of teaching principles The teaching principle is the basic requirement of teaching work according to the purpose of education and the reflection of teaching rules. It is the general principle of teaching activities. Two, the significance of teaching principles 1., the teaching principle has instructive and regulatory significance for the smooth and effective teaching activities. 2., the teaching principle determines the choice of teaching content, teaching methods and means, and the form of teaching organization to a certain extent. After the determination of teaching principles, it has a positive and important role in the content, methods, forms and choices of the teaching activities. 3., scientific teaching principles can effectively improve teaching efficiency. Three, teaching principles and teaching rules, teaching principles 1, the teaching law is objective existence 2, the teaching principle is the instruction to the teaching rule 3, the teaching principle is a subjective understanding of the law of teaching, with a strong purpose and practicality Four, explore the principles of teaching methods 1, the lessons of history (1) simply starting from experience (2) simply apply general philosophical and political principles (3) simply derive f


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