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汉语疑难句法翻译(国外英文资料) 汉语疑难句法翻译 1. don t tell him home truths. 不要对他讲逆耳的事实. 【解释】 truth: 令人不愉快的事实 home 2. he has a yellow streak in him. 他有胆小的气质. 【解释】a yellow streak.生性怯懦 3. i know he meant business. 我知道他不是开玩笑的. 【解释】口语用法的mean = in serious business; in earnest 4. i could do with more leisure time. 要再多一些闲暇时间就好了. 【解释】can do = be satisfied with; in content with, 满足, 忍受, 在can 的过去式could 时, 便有: 要能得到就好了, 想要 的意思.不过常处于戏言.that man can do with a shave (那人要把胡子刮了就好了). 5. she is now in a delicate condition. 她现在是在怀孕中. 【解释】a delicate condition (委婉语): 怀孕.a delicate situation: 微妙的局势 6. the gray mare is the better horse. 牝 鸡司晨 (pin) 7. keep your chin up 不要失去勇气 【解释】keep one and ` chin up (infml 口) remain cheerful in difficult circumstances 在困难环境下仍然乐观; 毫不气馁. 8. there is no living in the island. 那岛不能居住. 【解释】there also 动名词 = no + +, we can not 动名词 - it is impossible to do sth 9. it was now that he had plenty of money. 那并不是因为他有很多钱. 10. he wanted to go to sea. 他想去当水手. 11. she is careless of her dress. 她不爱惜她的衣服 【解释】careless of - - 不重视.如果说不修边幅就用careless about 12. those apples are good and ripe 那些苹果是很成熟了的. 【解释】good and, 当作副词用, 意为 非常 (), 完全 (thoroughly).同类型的表达法还有: nice and rare, and 等, 如the car was nice and fast satisfactorily = the car was running fast. 13. the smoke betrayed where the dwelling lay. 炊烟起处有人家. 【解释】betray 在此处指无意中暴漏, 显示.his mistakes betrayed his lack of education. 14. he is brave, like anything. 其勇无比. 【解释】like anything 指拿任何东西来比喻都不相称.引申成 非常. 15. it is said that his days are numbered. 据说他的死期已经 16. it is a wise man that never make mistakes. 智者千虑必有一失 17. i am in your debt. 我借了他的钱. 【解释】be in one s debt指 有负于人, 欠他的债. 18. he is dead as i live. 他的的确确是死了. 19. she will you make you a good wife. 她将成为你的好妻子. 20. we found them at table. 我们看见他们在用餐. 21. but for hope, life would be short. 如果没有希望, 人生苦短. 22. he is ignorant to the proverb. 他的无知的有名的, 23. the man was generous to a fault. 他过于宽大. 24. 他将在任何时候完成它。 他马上就回把这个做完。 25。他们被杀给了一个人。 他们被杀得片甲不留。 26。村庄在山的一边。 那村庄在山腰。 27。正是枪后面的那个男人告诉我们。 胜败不在武器而在于人。 【解释】告诉指见效。 28。


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