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教学观摩心得体会(国外英文资料)Experience in teaching observationCui Jia Wan Primary School, Longxi County, Li ManfuIn November 19th, Longxi County Education Bureau organized the county primary school teachers participated in the experimental teaching activity, I listened to the experimental primary school teachers after school, I deeply realized under the new curriculum reform, classroom teaching model has undergone tremendous changes, teachers teaching and students learning are gradually towards scientific, independent, experimental primary school teaching mode to students autonomous learning, students explore teaching. Contrast their teaching practice, I deeply reflect on, think in the future teaching, learning and learning mainly in the following aspects:First of all, the teachers language should be kind, attractive, concise and concise. Through this lesson, I deeply feel that my basic teaching skills are far from enough. This activity makes me realize that the classroom is wonderful because of the interaction, and the students are developing because of their independence. The traditional classroom teaching is to speak seriously: teachers, students listen carefully, all students in teachers teaching; teacher is the leader, students are members of the teacher guides students eventually students dont know the way to experience the fun. No doubt the experimental primary school classroom teaching mode, make teacher roles, so that students fully retreated behind the scenes; come into the classroom, mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students, give full play to the main role of the students, cultivate true knowledge and skill, process and method, emotion attitude and value the concept of 3D object. All for the development of students, all adapt to the development of students, all promote the development of students. The student centered view of education from time to time.Secondly, what I should learn most is that he has refined language and no nonsense. In the future teachin


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