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11 1 . 11 . 1 Vo l N o 2004 3 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Con serv ation M ar. , 2004 —以沈阳浑南新区为例 1, 2 1 尹德涛 , 金成洙 ( 1. , 110004; 2. , 110034) , , , , , , , , ; ; ; S 157 A 1005-3409( 2004) 0 1-0 130-02 Primary Analysis on Topsoil Protection Benef its of Shenyang Hunnan New District 1, 2 1 YIN De-t ao , J IN Cheng-zhu ( 1. Colleg e of R es our ce Civ il E ng ineer ing , N or theaster n Univ er sity , S heny ang 110004, Ch ina; 2. School of T our ism A d min istr at ion, Sheny ang N ormal Un iv er sity , Sheny ang 110034, Ch ina) Abstract Soil is the b asic ter m f or plant g ro w th . A lo ng w it h the co ntinuou sly ex tending of t he city r eg ion , the country land continuou sly conv ert to tow n la nd , it is impor tant t o keep the o rigine lay er fro m being destr oy ed in the co nstr u ctio n and t o pro tect soil resour ces f or obtaining bett er econom ic and eco-env ir onm ental benef it s . Chinas urb anizatio n w ill keep o n dev elop - - , , , , ing f or a lo ng term a nd city reg io n ex tend continuo usly if the related law s can be established and strict m ea sur es adopted the larg e qu antit y of so il reso ur c


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