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第11 卷 第6 期 运 筹 与 管 理 Vol. 11, No. 6 2002 年12 月 OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Dec. , 2002 吴金荣 ( , 100080) : : , , , NP, : ; NP; : O223 :A :2002) On TimeTable Problem for Arranging Courses in Universit ies WU JINrong (A cademy of M athematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beij ing 100080, China) Abstract: In this paper w e consider the timetable problem in universites as follows: given a set of courses, each of students may choose some of them to study , but he/ she can study only one course at any time. The objective is to produce a timetable for the given courses such that every student s choice is satisfied and the number of different time solts is minimized. We frist prove that this problem is NPhard even w hen every student chooses at most two courses, and then propose a heuristic for solving this problem in general case. Key words: timetable problem; NPhardness; heuristic algorithms 0 , : , , ; , , ; , : 国家973 信息技术与高性能软件基础研究项目资助( G 1998030 02) : : 吴金 , 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所助理研究员, 主要从事运筹学应用方面的研究 第6 期 吴金 : 关于大学课程表问题的研究 67 , , , , , / , , / , : , , , , , , , , , , [ 2] , , , , / ; , , , [ 5] , , , , , NP - , , NP - , 1 , (, , 5 ), () , , , , , , , , , , G( 1 2, E), 1 , , x ! k ! x 2 1


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