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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 【雅思预测】2015年2月28日雅思写作预测 2月28日雅思写作 Writing Task I: 在雅思小作文的角度来看,在2015年一月份的雅思写作考试中(1. 10),我们看到了第一场就是2014考题频率最高的柱状图,可谓是非 常的稳。那么第二场则是三线图,动态图形占据了主要的考试范围。那 么第三场和第四场我们迎来了流程图和柱图。 那么二月份的雅思写作考试也已经很出现了静态的表格题(table), 组合图(line and bar),在2.14又出现了流程图!!那么可以肯定的 是没有考过的map(地图题)和饼图应是大家准备的重点。 Map 来说应该也会从经常考试出现的变迁图, 村庄,学校以及城镇的变迁问题也是考题的重点。 大家可以复习参照C 8T1地图的写作方式,注意静态的分配和动态的变化。 如下是一个非常简单的,特别易于模仿的例文,希望广大烤鸭能容 易上手。 The two graphs describe the change of island after the construction of facilities. In the past, the island is very natural. In the west of the island, there is a beach and to the east of the beach, a few of coconut trees are grown in the west and in the east. The length of the island is about 200 meters. However, the island becomes very modern after several facilities were built. In the west of the island, people can go swimming and have a rest on the beach which is linked by a path to accommodation zone in the west. In the middle of the island, a reception is built and is surrounded by the vehicle track to the restaurant in the north and pier in the south. To the east of the reception, several accommodations are constructed. Overall, with the time goes by, the island has a great change and become more suitable for tourist to travel. 2015出国考试春季班——雅思、托福、SAT课程5折开抢 ,再送外 教口语课 !180元亚马逊书券 !春季班 详情 2月28日雅思写作 Writing Task II: 分析已经过去的今年的雅思写作三场考试,我们可以看出今年的雅 思写作大作文话题也是旧题加创新的方式在出现。1月份大体是考察了 社会类和环境类 ,而二月份则考察了交通和媒体类的手机。基本可以锁 定在考试频率较高,但是 目前还没有出现的教育类话题。教育类话题的 范围很广泛 ,去年有考到选课的问题,分班的问题。 今年的雅思作文话题应该也会还主要集中在这些题 目中。那么现在 给大家选择一下经典的机经教育类话题,希望大家能多做准备。 网络教育 (distance learning / Online learning) Some people think that distance learning has more advantages than schools and schools will disappear from our lives. What is your view? 利:培养学生自主学习能力 (independent study)。能从网上搜 索到更多知识进行自主学习。通过多媒体的多元化的教学方法 (diversi fied teaching methods through multi-media),加速学生对知识的理解 (a


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