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摘 要 摘 要 鸦片战争后,中国闭关的国门被打开,西方近代先进的农业思想也随之传入中国。 有识之士深刻认识到农业的重要性,纷纷通过各种途径发展中国农业,致力于中国传统 农业的现代转型。罗振玉就是其中的典型代表。 罗振玉从事农学知识引进与传播事业近十年,为清末的农业改良奠定了知识基础。 西方农业思想的不断传入、重农思潮的兴起以及罗振玉早年的经历,是其投身农业的主 要原因。罗振玉发起创立农学会,发行 《农学报》,编印《农学丛书》,将东西各国先 进的农学知识、农业生产技术和农学思想引入中国。他组建东文学社,培养了大量的翻 译人才,为中西文化交流做出了积极的贡献。与此同时,罗振玉积极撰文,阐述其发展 中国农业的具体主张,涉及引进西方农业科技、垦荒兴农、农学教育等方面。限于条件, 罗振玉的农业主张并未得到完全贯彻。尽管如此,罗振玉为近代中国的农业改良做出了 积极的贡献,在中国农业发展史上具有一定地位。 关键词 罗振玉 农学会 农学报 农业主张 I Abstract Abstract After the Opium War, Chinas closed door is open. The advanced agricultural thoughts of the modern Western were introduced to China. Some scholars profoundly understood the importance of agriculture and developed Chinas agriculture through various channels. They committed themselves to the modern transformation of traditional agriculture. Luo Zhen-yu is one of the typical representatives who engaged in the introduction and the spread of agricultural knowledge for nearly 10 years. He laid the knowledge base of the agricultural improvement of the late of Qing Dynasty. The continuous introduction of Western agricultural thoughts, the emergence of agriculture priority ideas and Luo Zhen-yu’s early experiences are the main reasons for his entering the agriculture. Luo Zhen-yu initiated to found the Agronomic Association, issued Agronomic Journal and published the Series of Agronomy. He introduced the advanced agronomic knowledge, technique thoughts of Eastern and Western countries to China. He set up the East Literary Association and trained many interpreters. He had made a positive contribution to exchange of Chinese and Western culture. Meanwhile, Luo


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