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Oct2008 55 Vol26, No. 5 Aerospace Control , 100074 针对一种新的导航技术- 地磁匹配技术进行了研究在介绍了地磁匹 配的基本原理和特点的基础上, 析了地磁匹配技术目前在地磁场模型地磁传 感器和匹配算法等方面已具备的基础和工程应用尚需解决的 一些关键技术; 重 点研究了地磁匹配技术几种基本匹配算法- MAD法MSD法NP OD法和HD 法,并对其利用MATLAB进行了对比仿真; 最后对仿真结果进行了 析比较仿 真结果表明,综合考虑匹配精度匹配运算量和匹配误差收敛性几 个性能指标, 选择几种匹配算法中的MAD法或MSD法作为地磁匹配算法较好几种基本匹 配算法的仿真 析, 对地磁匹配技术下 一步的深入研究具有 一定的理论意义和 工程应用价值 地磁匹配; H ausdorff; 匹配算法;仿真 : V44822 : A : 2008 MAGCOM and Simulation of BasicM atching A lgorithm XIE Shmi in LI Bangqing LIW enyao WANG Libin ZHOU Zuyang BeijingAutomatic Control and Equipment Institute, Beijing 100074, China Abstract A new m ethod of nav ig ation -mag ne ticf ield contour match ing (MAGCOM ) is investig ated. Its p rincip le and characteristics are brief ly introd uced and the basis on g eom ag ne tic m odel, g eom agnetic sensor and match ing alg orism and key techn iques needed to be solv ed p resently are analyz ed. Several bas ic m atc h ing alg orithm s of MAGCOM such as MAD, MSD, NP OD, HD are m a inly stud ied and sim ulated by MATLAB. F inally, the comp arison of simu lation results is carried out, w h ich dem onstra ted that MAD or MSD is p ref era ble algorism considering match ing p rec is ion, comp u ta tion cost and conv erg ence. The simu la tion of several basic alg orithm s has theoretical and eng ineering m ean ing s to the f urther stud ies of MAG COM. K ey words MAGCOM K ey techn ique M atch ing alg orithm S imulation ; ,


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