(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 2 People on the moveSection Ⅳ Task Project学业分层测评 牛津译林版选修10.doc

(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 2 People on the moveSection Ⅳ Task Project学业分层测评 牛津译林版选修10.doc

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Unit 2 People on the moveSection Ⅳ Task Project Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Local banks give better rates for converting our travellers checks into foreign ________(货币).2.The ship sank after a ________(碰撞) with an iceberg.3.He asked me to ________(阐明)when we would start.4.I am poor.So I often wear ________(破旧的)clothes.5.I have no ________(同情)for Li Lei6.The ________(准确的)date and place of his birth are unknown.7.Daniel was________(抢劫)of his car and mobile phone.8.The ________(小偷)was arrested when stealing things in the supermarket.9.We tried to stay away from ________(有争议的)topic at the dinner party.10.He cant ________________(忍住)laughing at the news.【答案】 1.currency 2.collision 3.clarify 5.sympathy 6.precise 7.robbed 9.controversial 10.resist单项填空1.(2016·常州高三调研)Letter boxes are much more ________ in the UK than in the US where most people have a mailbox instead.B.normal【解析】 句意:信箱在英国比美国更普遍。common普遍的常见的表示大众化;normal正常的标准的;ordinary普通的平凡的一般的;usual平常的惯例的表示发生的频率。【答案】 A2.Who is most likely to ________ the old ladys death? A.benefit B.benefit from C.do good to D.interest 【解析】 句意:谁最有可能从老妇人的死亡中获益?英语中表示从……获益用benefit from。do good to表示对……有益。【答案】 B3.As an applicant,youll have to ________your potential employer of your enthusiasm for the job. A.convince B.inform C.warn D.remind 【解析】 考查动词辨析。convince sb.of sth.让某人相信某事;inform sb.of sth.通知某人某件事;warn sb.of sth.警告某人某remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某件事。【答案】 A4.The young lady rushed into the room________she heard the noise. A.that B.unless C.immediately D.before 【解析】 句意:那位年轻女士一听到声音就冲进房间。immediately一……就表示从句的动作一发生主句的动作就随即发生。【答案】 C5.His father ________ the boy to start a company. A.sponsored B.gave C.let D.contributed 【解析】 sponsor资助赞助;contribute捐献促成。【答案】 A6.Many children prefer ________ games on the computer rather than ________ outside. A.playing;playing B.to play;to play;playing D.to play;play【解析】 考查动词的固定结构。句意:很多孩子喜欢打电脑游prefer to do...rather than do更喜欢宁愿。【答案】 D7.Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such,the only way for us to survive is to live________ nature.



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