(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 1 Careers and skills Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading-Language points教师用书 牛津译林版选修11.doc

(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 1 Careers and skills Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading-Language points教师用书 牛津译林版选修11.doc

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Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading—Language points reflect vt. vi.反射(光、热、声或影像);考虑;表达 (教材P2)The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time to reflect. 高中最后一年是勤奋学习的时刻,也是认真思考的时刻。 His face was reflected in the mirror. 镜子中映出他的脸。 Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信反映你的真实想法吗? ①reflect back   反射回来 reflect...in 通过……反映……; 在……中反射或反映出…… reflect on/upon 反省;考虑 reflection n. 映象,倒影;深思,考虑;反射;回响 The condition of the house is reflected in its low price. 这所房子的状况可以通过其低廉的价格反映出来。 She paused to reflect on what she had achieved. 她停下来,回想自己所取得的成绩。 A moments reflection will show you are wrong. 只要略加考虑就可看出你错了。 完成句子 ①我需要时间来思考你的建议。 I need some time to ____________ your suggestion. ②大海反射出明亮的阳光。 The sea ____________ the bright sunlight. ③军事力量的变化也在国际金融界得到了反映。 The shift in the balance of forces ____________ international finance,too. 【导学号 【答案】 ①reflect on/upon ②reflects back ③is reflected in (教材P2)When_choosing_a_career,you should consider all the aspects of a job. 当你选择一个职业时,你应该考虑这个工作的每一方面。 【要点提炼】 when choosing为“连词+分词”结构,这个结构补充完整应该为when you are choosing,在状语从句中,如果主从句主语一致或从句主语是it,并且从句的谓语动词有be动词时,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。 When crossing the road,you should be careful. 过马路的时候,你要小心点。 Once bitten by a snake,one should be taken to hospital immediately. 一旦被蛇咬,就应当立刻被送往医院。 完成句子 ①过街时注意车辆。 Look out for cars ________________. ②有人问她时,她说她将要退休。 _____________________________,she said that she was going to retire. 【答案】 ①when crossing the street ②When asked suited adj.合适;适当 (教材P2)In this article,I am going to discuss some of the choices available to you and which jobs are best suited to you:popular careers,more unusual jobs or everyday jobs. 在本文中,我将谈论一些你可以选择的工作以及你更适合做热门工作、特殊工作还是普通工作这个问题。 Jim and Mary seem suited to each other,in spite of their quarrels. 吉姆和玛丽虽然常争吵,可两人看起来很相配。 He was not really suited for army life. 他不太适合军队生活。 be suited to/for  适合……;对……来说适合 be suited to do sth. 适合做某事 suit v. 适合于(某人);使满意 n. 一套衣服 suit...to... 使……与……相适合 The man is not suited to be a teach



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