(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading-Language points教师用书 牛津译林版选修10.doc

(江苏版)2016-2017高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading-Language points教师用书 牛津译林版选修10.doc

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Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit Reading1.rate n. 比率;等级;价格费用;速度(教材P)Many countries around the world are developing at a very fast rate. 世界上的许多国家以飞快的速度发展着。rate. 这辆出租车正以高速行驶。rate of 5 kilometres an hour. 大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。以……的速度以……速度以……的比率无论如何不管怎样照这/那情形看来估价;评价作为……受到评价At any rate the task must be fulfilled. 无论如何任务必须完成。rated him highly as a colleague. 作为同事他们对他评价甚好。完成句子人口在以惊人的速度增长。____________.评论家和观众都认为这次演出是成功的。________ a success by critics and audiences. ③无论如何我们都要尽力保护人民的利益。____________, we should try to protect the peoples interest. 【导学号【答案】 ①at an alarming rate ②was rated (as)2.(教材P)In 1985,there was little rainfall in Ethiopia,which led_to poor harvests and the death of many of the countrys cattle.1985年埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨这导致收成减产和许多牛死亡。(1)lead to 导致leads to illness. 工作时间太长且休息不好容易生病。lead to increased death rates. 饮咖啡太多可能导致死亡率增加。【提示】 此短语中的to是介词后面可接名词或动名词。led to his sleepy all day. 熬夜太晚导致他一天很困倦。(some place) 带领……去(某地)使某人做某事带路;引路过着……样的生活把……领进……Her words led me to think over my decision again. 她的话让我重新考虑我的决定。led us to the conference room. 他领我们进入会议室。这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。h a mistake would perhaps ________ disastrous consequences. ②于是她牵着格尔达的手把她带到小屋子里去把门锁起来。_____ the little cottage, and locked the door. ③虽然他们年老了但是他们生活得仍很活跃。________.【答案】 ①lead to ②led her into ③lead an active life(2)cattle n.牛是集合名词是“牛”的总称本身是复数形式当它作主语时谓语动head作量词时用head的原形如“10头牛”可以说ten head of cattle或ten cattle。twenty head of cattle on his farm. 他在农场里养了20头牛。cattle were killed. 为此宰杀了很多牛。这些牛是从新西兰来的。________________from New Zealand. ⑤他们卖给国家六百万头牛。________________to the state. 【答案】 ④These cattle are ⑤head of cattle3.take place 发生;举行举办(教材P)The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two places—London and Philadelphia—and included the biggest stars of the time. 1985年7月13日音乐会在伦敦和费城两地举行出席者包括了当时最红的巨星。take place/happen/occur/come about/break out take place 表示“发生;举行举办”这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排作“发生碰巧”解一般用于偶然或突发性事件作“发生想到突然想起”解表示“发生产生”多指事情已经发生了但还不知道为什么常用于疑问句和否定句意为“发生爆发”常指战争、灾难、疾病或者Ill never understand how it came about that you were late thr



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