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摘 要 本实验以新鲜的苹果梨、胡萝卜为主要原料,参照果蔬所独具的功能性及营养;以及国内外果蔬饮料业的发展状况,经过挑选、打浆、均质、杀菌、均质等一系列工艺并对其进行各类营养元素的检测,制成苹果梨胡萝卜汁的复合果蔬饮料,确定了最优生产工艺参数。 主要工作包括以下三方面的内容: 1.苹果梨与胡萝卜汁的配比和蔗糖添加量的确定。通过实验得出苹果梨与胡萝卜汁的最佳确定比为6:4,蔗糖添加量16g/100ml,探讨了苹果梨与胡萝卜汁在不同比例条件下的风味特点综合个人的口感需求,论述并做出最终调配比例。 2.苹果梨、胡萝卜汁复合果蔬饮料的稳定性及复配稳定剂的研究。通过均匀设计得出最佳稳定剂最佳配比:CMC-N.15%,琼脂0.02%,黄原胶为0.09%。探讨了复合果蔬汁饮料的失稳机理,分析了影响复合果蔬汁饮料稳定的因素,论证了复配稳定剂各组分稳定机理,并对实验结果进行了分析。 3苹果梨、胡萝卜汁复合果蔬汁饮料均质条件及杀菌条件的确定。通过实验得出最佳均质条件:均质压力为20MPa,次数为2次,温度为60℃,杀菌条件为杀菌温度85℃ ,时间20min。探讨了复合果蔬汁饮料在不同均质条件下其各自的特点,分析了影响复合果蔬汁饮料均质条件及杀菌条件的因素,并对实验结果进行了对比。 以上条件下所得的产品口感及风味最佳。 关键词:苹果梨;胡萝卜;果蔬复合饮料;生产工艺 Title Compound Beverage of the apple-pear and carrot juice Abstract In this experiment, a fresh apple-pear, carrots as the main raw material,Reference to fruits and vegetables of the unique functional and nutritional And development of fruit and vegetable beverage industry at home and abroad, through the selection, beating, homogenization, pasteurization homogenization and a series of processes and the detection of various nutritional elements ,composite fruit and vegetable beverage made of apple-pear carrot juice to determine the optimal production process parameter. Its main tasks are the following three aspects: First determine the ratio of the apple-pear and carrot juice and sucrose added.The experiment shows apple-pear and carrot juice to determine the best ratio of 6:4,and the amount of sucrose 17mg/ml, in different proportions of conditions the taste of Apple-pear and carrot juice and according to their personal taste requirements to determine the final deployment of the proportion. Second,the study of stability of composite fruit and vegetable drinks,By uniform design optimum stabilizer best ratio:CMC-N.15%,agar 0.06%,0.09% xanthan gum .Discusses the instability mechanism of Compound Beverage element of stability ,demonstrated the various components of compound stabilizer stabilizing mechanism ,and the experiment results are analyzed . Third, compound beverage


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