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“自主—建构式”教学模式在语文教学中的应用 The application of self-constructional teaching mode in Chinese teaching Abstract: the autonomous teaching mode is the process of constructing the knowledge based on the experience of the students. It is different from teachers one-way knowledge transfer, emphasizing that students are not passive recipients of information, but a researcher who actively constructs and finds knowledge. This paper, taking the teaching of bird paradise as an example, demonstrates its role in teaching practice through the concrete application of this teaching model. ? Key words: autonomous-structured; Teaching mode; Chinese teaching The basic meaning of the self-constructed teaching model ? At present, the reform of education, which is the core of new curriculum reform, is gradually being deepened, and various new modes of teaching have been put forward. Is different from the traditional force-feeding teaching model, the new teaching mode focus on students autonomous learning and creative learning, emphasizes the active participation of students in the process of teaching and learning, and actively explore, pay attention to training students ability to collect and process information, the ability of discovering and acquiring new knowledge, analysis and problem solving ability and the ability of communication and cooperation. ? So-called independent - construction type teaching mode, it is to point to in the process of teaching, emphasizing students through creative activities and thinking (and not by teachers to students in a one-way knowledge transfer), on the basis of the existing experience to construct new knowledge of teaching methods. Among them, autonomy is a kind of passive study, which refers to the students high quality of study in the direction of the teacher. Construction is a method of learning which refers to the students own association of knowledge to discover new knowledge, relative to accepting learning. In the teaching mode, students are not pass



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