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教育综合知识试题 Education comprehensive knowledge questions One, a single item of choice (one for each question, a total of 30, a total of 30 points.) The cup of the snake reacts to the reaction. Phenomenon. A. stimulate generalization? B. stimulate differentiation? The comparison? D. behavior reinforcement The first book of pedagogy in the period of independence was. The principle of oratory. Kants theory of education??????????? The great teaching theory??? The value and development of science The accumulation and inheritance of science and technology are to be realized, and the main route is (?). Word of mouth? B. education? C.? D. the media The theory of migration that values the understanding of situational relationships is (?) ? A. Formal training? Common elements? What is the principle of generalization? D The theory of a moderate level of motivation that is most conducive to stimulating learning motivation is (). A. the theory b. yes-dodsons law C. the theory of the theory of achievement Primary school students work hard to gain praise and recognition from parents and teachers. The motivation for this is (). A. The internal driving force of the self-improvement of self-improvement What is the feature of perception? (a) A. selectivity b. integrity c. understanding d. constancy Piaget divides the cognitive development of children into four stages, and the age of the child at the center of the self is roughly (). A. 10 ~ 12 years old c. 0 ~ 2 years old d. 2 ~ 7 years old Through the collective discussion, the mind will collide with each other, and the sparks will reach the collective imagination. This is (). A. brain storm training b. conjecture and hypothesis training C. self-design training d. divergent thinking When the students remember the circle rate 3.14159, they use a pot of wine in the mountain, which is used (). A. retelling strategy b. elaboration strategy c. organizational strategy d. adjust strategy Education is legal, but it can be copied, which means tha


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