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第三章习题及答案 The introduction to the basic principles of marxism One, single choice question The basic question of history is (D) A, recognize class and class struggle The relationship between the economic foundation and the superstructure The relationship between productivity and production D, social and social consciousness The key to understanding the history of human society is (D) The history of class struggle The history of production relations C, the history of social consciousness D, the history of labor The first historical activity of human beings is (B) A, eat and drink in live B, the production of material life data C, peoples consciousness activities D, social bonding The fundamental and highest measure of social progress is (B) The nature of social production relations B, the development of social productivity C, the status of social and political laws D, peoples moral and cultural level The basic sign of the type of production relationship is (A) The form of ownership of production data B, the distribution of products C, the contradictory nature of production relations and productivity D, the status of people in production The following statements about the nature of man only involve the fundamental difference between man and animal. (A) A, labor is the essence of man The need of man is the essence of man C, the essence of man is the sum of all the attributes of man The essence of man is the sum of human nature The activities of the peoples people to create history are conditioned by historical conditions. The idea is that (B) A, the people cannot push the change of the social form B, people cant make history as they please The people are not the decisive force of social development D, the people are not the main body of social history The main indicator of the level of productivity development is (B) A, the experience skills of the laborer B, the level of production tools C, the quality of the work object D, the condition of transportation equipment Scie



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