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议论文是以议论为主要表达方式的一种文体 A thesis is a style that is expressed in the main expression of discussion. By putting facts, reasoning, and logic reasoning, the authors opinions and attitudes toward a particular problem are elucidated. Factor one: argument The thesis is the authors opinion and opinion on the problem discussed. It is the soul of the thesis. In a negotiation paper, there is usually only one central argument. Some of the papers are also centered around the central argument, which is used to complement and prove the central argument. What is/should/should / (yes) or (no) how. The approach presented by the thesis argument: The text is the central argument, The nobility of man is in the soul. Open the door to the point of view. For example, the help of the people, the lack of assistance; Reference material, some phenomenon, an example of the center The argument, The nobility of man is in the soul. The argument from the end of the text, the argument of the center, As in the memory of Bethune The article is not put forward, it needs the reader to sum up. To make central points in some way, such as metaphors, Compare and so on, such as fish I want to be. How do you find the central argument? First, read the title of the article. The title of the paper is divided into two types: the argument type and the topic. Second, find the sentences that reflect the authors main ideas in the body. This method is suitable for the argumentative paper. Please tell us which title the following essay is in: Born to death in peace, in honor of Bethune, the nobility of men is the soul, everything CARES, On reading, dont wait for the spring to blossom, The bitterest and the best. Third, pay attention to the language tips, in this paper, we have tips article argument of words, words are generally in short, result, in short, thus and so on. Such as: Does the honest man always lose? In the corrupt and dark old society, it is not surprising that the honest man is suffering. However, with the


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