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英语写作提高方法 Read more English books, information. Do more, read, and listen more. English writing ability is also a comprehensive ability to use knowledge flexibly. There is an old saying in China, which is called reading tang poems three hundred times, not poetry. In the same way, to make yourself more capable of writing, you should first read and recite some sentence patterns and passages. Many students written language are not in conformity with the English language habits, quite a few people have controlled Chinese word for word translation of the bad habits, to ignore differences in Chinese and in English. A lot of recitation and reading is a effective way to improve writing ability, if students have a large number of ready-made language accumulation in mind, write their own up to, can blurt out, or imitate, paraphrasing, and even play. You can practice a gradual and flexible practice. Start by writing a single sentence from the cue, then write a sentence, then write a few words, and then write a fluent paragraph. Try a variety of forms of writing, such as text messages, instructions, notes, notes, postcards, picture writing, writing essays based on a form or record. 4. In practice, to fully understand the situation of supplied materials, pay attention to the use of common conjunctions to represent the sequence and logical relation, make the sentence expression coherent, grammatically correct and logical. Also note the letter case and punctuation. You can learn many classical sentences in English movies. Dont try to memorize a good essay, it is something that many people have memorized, and memorizing famous names. But it is recommended that you learn English from the movie high school, which is the only one that is alive, and the composition is angry. If you have a high grade essay, you will be able to write something that will give you a point. This thesis can only deal with Chinese general test (such as the university entrance exam, such as the low level exam)



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