美国旅游常用英语白话 (住宿篇)(国外英语资料).doc

美国旅游常用英语白话 (住宿篇)(国外英语资料).doc

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美国旅游常用英语白话 (住宿篇)(国外英语资料)

美国旅游常用英语口语 (住宿篇) As Chinas travel to the United States, I want to have more people thought of here tourism, there is no lack of a lot of self-help tourists, because work at ordinary times is not commonly used in English, so feel unfamiliar a lot, no matter how, these simple daily English language is necessary. Heres a lesson for you. Welcome to reprint or download, this person extracts and edits from the Internet, and also thanks to the uploader. ? Ill arrive late, please keep the reservation. Ill arrive late, but please keep my reservation. ? I have made a reservation in xx. I have made a reservation in xx. ? My name is xx. My name is xx. ? 4) Id like a quiet room. Id like a quiet room. ? Id like a room upstairs. Id like a room on the upper level. ? Id like a room with a nice view (a balcony). Id like a room with a nice view. ? 7) is hot water available at any time? Is hot water available any time? ? May I have a look at the room? May I see the room? ? Is there a bigger (better/cheaper) room? Do you have anything bigger? ? Id like to reserve this room. I l l take this room. ? 11) please fill in this registration form. Would you fill in this registration form? ? 12) can I use my credit card (travelers check)? Do you accept credit crads (travelers checks)? ? Can you keep your valuables? Could you keep my valuables? ? 14) where is the restaurant? Where is the dining room? ? What time does the restaurant open? What time does the dining room open? ? What time does breakfast start? ? What time can I have breakfast? ? Is there a barber shop in the hotel? Is there a barber shop? ? Can I have a business card with hotel address? ? Can I have a card with the hotels address? ? Is there a ticket for sightseeing bus here? Can I get a ticket for the sight? ? Where is the nearest subway station? Where is the nearest subway station? ? When is check-out time? When is the check - out time? ? Could you bring my baggage to the lobby tomorrow morning? Could you bring my baggage down to


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