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美国英语的复古性,守旧性 From the history of the language of American English, American English is the main reason for the difference in English and American languages. In 1620, more than one hundred pilgrims sailed to Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the mayflower and set up a colony. This was the beginning of modern English. English was the source of American English in the late 16th and early 17th centuries of the late 16th and early 17th centuries. In the 17th century, ocean the other shore of British English has changed, but the ocean on the other side of the American continent doesnt have a change in the same condition, a similar change does not happen in America. Because of the barrier of the ocean, the change did not pass through much of North America. As American state university of Minnesota professor clark said exit immigration, away from the motherland of the language changes often not as fast as hot as stay in the people of the motherland. Because of this, modern American English has retained many of the language features that have ceased to exist in modern English, and have a strong relapse. Compared with todays London English, American English may be closer to Shakespeares English. One, the retention of speech American English in pronunciation has two characteristics: one is to [s] in [[theta] [f] [n], [a:] sino-japanese consonants in front of the letter as a [?], such as past, path, laugh, chance, etc. Such vowels in words but also in the late 16th century English and modern English as pronounced [?], until one thousand two hundred before [a:] the sound gradually appeared in the British English, in American English, but have been pronounced [?], has not changed. Another obvious feature is at the end or consonant with the r vocabulary retention of clear retroflexion [r], such as car, mark, farm, turn, such as its ehrs. Many immigrants moved to America from the 17th century Scotland southeast, at a time when England r after the vowel in the southeast dialect are of re


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