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《城市道路设计规范》CJJ37—90(国外英语资料) 2.1.2 in addition to the expressway, each type of road is divided into I, II and III according to the size, design, traffic volume and terrain of the city. Large cities should adopt I standards in all kinds of roads; medium-sized cities should adopt II level standards; small cities should adopt III level standards. In case of special circumstances, it is necessary to make a technical and economic demonstration when it is necessary to change the level, and shall be submitted to the planning approval department for approval. 2.2.1 the rules for calculating the speed of driving are shown in table 2.2.1. When the old road reconstruction has special difficulties, such as commercial street, cultural street and so on. By comparison of technology and economy, it is considered that the driving speed can be reduced properly, but the driving safety at night should be taken into account. 2.4.1 urban road construction clearance shown in figure 2.4.1. Vertex angle width should be consistent with motor Lane lateral width. The minimum height of table 2.4.1. No object shall be intruded within the building limits. ? ? 2.5.1? The traffic volume reached saturation when the design period is defined as follows: 20A expressway, trunk road, secondary roads for the 15A branch is 10~15a. (on behalf of the year) 2.5.2 the design period of the pavement structure reaching the critical state is as follows: Two, asphalt concrete pavement, asphalt macadam pavement and asphalt penetration broken (gravel) road surface is 15A. 10A can be used in the construction of advanced pavement such as asphalt concrete. Three, asphalt pavement surface treatment for 8a. Four. The aggregate pavement is 5a. 2.8.1 the road works and important ancillary structures in the earthquake zone shall be protected against earthquake fortification according to the fortification intensity prescribed by the state provisions of the project. 4.3.2? Should set up the car with a middle road, not by the dou


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