不要说太随便的话 亮企业丽女白领的巧言秘笈(国外英语资料).doc

不要说太随便的话 亮企业丽女白领的巧言秘笈(国外英语资料).doc

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不要说太随便的话 亮企业丽女白领的巧言秘笈(国外英语资料)

不要说太随便的话 亮企业丽女白领的巧言秘笈(国外英语资料) ??? many people have such experience, in walked into a strange room, or meet with an unfamiliar person, in the heart of their own said most of the sentence, is: how do I break the deadlock, to make friends? When Im alone, sometimes I suddenly think, ah, I said that sentence very abruptly that day.. Or, Gee, what did I say about the atmosphere?. When I think of it, really can not wait to bite my tongue. Well, there is no regret medicine in the world, so we have to regret to remind ourselves that we cant do it again next time. But in this case, I often get nervous, even afraid of dating strangers. How to avoid such embarrassment? Dont worry, now we teach you a few tricks blarney secrets, you later no matter in the workplace, in party, or friends, can be an easy job to do and others across the fence between, a glib eloquence woman. One of the secrets??? Strange friends? ??? in the raise contact, like a beautiful handsome camp party, how can let others think you are a person be scanty of words? Dont say that there are no people you know well, some people who seem to be very close are probably friends they just met. If you speak the first sentence bravely, you will be half done. ??? first, you can look at the people around you (or the person you are interested in), see if they have a special place, such as a mixed style accessories, or is a very popular watch you. Talking about these details is likely to attract their interest immediately. The topic of conversation is best to choose a sense of rhythm, more relaxed and lively, a happy smile, will instantly pull into the distance between you. When you meet someone youre interested in, and to pave the way for a second meeting, you can call him by his name, say something harmless, tell a light story, and give each other a relaxed and harmonious impression. But note that in conversation, try not to ask questions that can only be answered by yes or no. In that case, its killing your conversation.


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