古剑奇谭 心得(国外英语资料).doc

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古剑奇谭 心得(国外英语资料)

古剑奇谭 心得(国外英语资料) Brush level: to eliminate piracy 1 (3600,7-20) + overseas xianpin 2 (4500,27-32) + 1 (7500,30-45, Dragon Star confidential and residual poison) + gold (3000,25-50, strange village again attack, ice) + midnight wolf howl (18000,40-50; 12000,50-55; + gold, water) + overbearing 9000,50-53 Shuaqian: osmanthus cake + pot head + Guangling family 4+ organ wood Heron 4 Fish bones: anecdotes about rivers and lakes 3 Tom King: strange adventures eat 4 spoon Mirror: Yin and Yang Xian products (Jonathan overseas 4 Hidden skills) Xiang Ling Yun: hidden star Qunfang May 5 Fang Lansheng: the 3 monk Temple hidden star Yun Cooking materials: radish, honey, Chinese wolfberry (Bai Dicheng), tea (Qin Chuan) (relatively scarce, as much as possible to buy enough) Baked Chicken: group, a refined, God [Phoenix wear peony, Jiangdu suburbs; imperial chicken, Anlu county. (hen, tender shoots, tender leaves, daughter, star anise) Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce: single, resurrection, a refined, counter [Baidicheng] (poultry, nuts, peppers, cinnamon) Steamed Tofu Stuffed with Vegetables group, all fine [song Sao Yugeng, Kotokawa; poor benefit, Baidicheng] {immortal tofu: single, invincible} (tofu, crab, vanilla, bamboo shoots, Chinese wolfberry) Eight treasures duck: group, eliminate bad condition [bamboo shoots, chrysanthemum red, Qinglong Town rain] (duck, tender shoots, star anise, mushroom, ginseng) Weapon: fierce sword of blood Qi, the burning of silence and residual / bite (Tu Su): bite - Pugong vampire 30%: cancel cast money *1, *1 (silver teeth bite bite month month, blood red *3 (Xuan Di) ghost mountain upheaval of three) The sword - China ice dance (Hong Yu): Ice - Additional: cancel money casting *1, frozen ice soul *5 (taxuexinmei three), down *5 (Huang Tian Fu frost mountain, a giant ice), ice tube *5 (Jiangdu grocery) Fangfei - Tu mi (Xiang Ling): fine, fine, each round of recovery of 10%-200 fine cast money *1, cancel: Shujin powder *10, fixed pain colored plume of *5 (


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