夫妻共同买房四大注意 房产证上写一人名不可取(国外英语资料).doc

夫妻共同买房四大注意 房产证上写一人名不可取(国外英语资料).doc

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夫妻共同买房四大注意 房产证上写一人名不可取(国外英语资料)

夫妻共同买房四大注意 房产证上写一人名不可取(国外英语资料) Husband and wife buy a house together four big attention property certificate, write a name is undesirable Source: financial weekly Author: Zhen Aijun 2010 09 month 19 days 06:14 Abstract: recent market trading volume has picked up, rigid demand for the main push hands, husband and wife to buy a house is an important part of it. This form of purchase is relatively complex, the parties need to consider a number of factors, such as how to determine the share of property. Husband and wife together to buy a house, although more common, but there are many places to pay attention to It is understood that the current housing situation is relatively common jointly, such as improving demand for the couple married home together; in addition to rising prices, there are a lot of young couple rent in advance, until the conditions are ripe and then buy a house, which also belongs to the common house; there are a few husband and wife also take the way to share the common house the burden of home buyers. Experts warned that the husband and wife jointly buy a house relatively cumbersome procedures, such as some improper handling, may have an impact on the transaction, and therefore need to be careful response. Common home has become the norm Mr. Qi is 32 years old. He works in a unit near the peoples Square in Shanghai. He has been married for two years. He has been living with his family. He is planning to buy a house when he is thinking of having a baby. Real estate brokers according to his actual situation, choose a set of five villages in Baoshan District gongkang property for him, an area of 58.58 square meters, the total price of 850 thousand yuan. Although the house is not big, but can be converted to two rooms, and parents crowded together or to many spacious, the couple do provident fund loan repayment pressure is not too big. Like Mr. Qi, married buy a house is very common situation. Real estate market research department monitoring data sho


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