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梵高绘画艺术风格评析(国外英语资料) Analysis of Van Goghs painting art style Abstract: taking Van Goghs work as the breakthrough point, taking his life and artistic creation as the main line, it has unfolded a vivid picture for us Volumes, the ups and downs of his life, and the love of life, like the golden sun, have provided an endless stream of impetus for the creation of art. At the same time, combined with the background of Van Gogh and the experience of the different periods, this article introduces Van Goghs performance in his artistic creation The forming process of sex painting language. The purpose of this article is to analyze the factors that form Van Goghs unique artistic style from the perspectives of literature, aesthetics and psychology The artistic value of Van Goghs paintings gives a fair analysis. Key words: Van Gogh; Post Impressionism Van Gogh (March 30, 1853 ~ July 1890) 29) full name for Vincent, William, Van Gogh (Vincent William, van, Gogh) a painter of Holland and a representative of the post Impressionist Character is one of the most outstanding artists of mankind in the nineteenth Century. Stand in the western history of Art The name of a legendary painter, a psychotic, one A fanatical paranoid, as a pioneer of Post Impressionism A teacher not only has a legendary life, his artistic style and opinions Also influenced throughout the nineteenth Century, until modern Western Art Operation. He looks ugly and beautiful painting makes Van Gogh very ironic Meaning, his rough experiences and lonely quest, slowly for us It opens the curtain of modern western art, and also shows the post-modern art The ultimate direction of art. He has great expressive power and a keen mind Touch, the creation of Western painting referred to a very high level, and the most Finally, Paul and Cezanne, Paul and Gauguin completed the final impression The deconstruction of Confucianism has climbed the pinnacle of European painting in the nineteenth Century. Van Gogh left us with great sp


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