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浮力设计案例(国外英语资料) Buoyancy design case Teaching target 1 knowledge and skills Understanding buoyancy by experiment. Know the cause of buoyancy. Know that the size of buoyancy is related to those factors. Known as the Archimedes principle, using object and condition to explain some phenomena in life and production. 2 processes and methods Through the observation and discussion of students to enable students to understand buoyancy, let students hands-on experiments by the Archimedes principle, through the experimental observation of egg sinking, floating and suspended, the concept to enable students to establish three kinds of state, by creating some phenomena in life and production. 3 emotions, attitudes, and values Combining with the reality of life, we should cultivate students interest, and train students scientific attitude of respecting science and seeking truth from facts through experiment. instructional design Set up scenarios and introduce new lessons Play video. (phenomenon: contains often seen in daily life, the duck ship floating on the surface; the submarine in the water freely rise and dive; hot air balloons carrying heavy sky etc.) What are the possible implications of the students guess? Student activity: guess the knowledge contained (liquid or gas has an upward force on the object or refer to buoyancy). Everyone mentioned a new word, buoyancy.. Buoyancy has such a great magic, this lesson let us study together I. understanding of buoyancy Teacher survey: when you take a bath into the bath tub, feel free to raise your hands. (student participation) Archimedes in ancient Greece felt the same way as you did a long time ago Small experiments put a small block of wood in the water and it floats; there are many such examples in life Will you please raise them? Guide students to the concept of buoyancy; the force that makes objects float is called buoyancy. Two experiments explore the size of buoyancy 1, conjecture: through the student grouping experiment, t


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