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The following classes will be transferred from the network [wangjhcy] Windows live.
Also, /candiy/archive/2006/11/04/1366550.aspx is also described in detail
Its a real thing, and its a real thing
There have been a lot of FCKeditor configurations on the Internet but its been a quick afternoon. The main thing is that the configuration also looks at something related. Complete the following steps
Download the file, FCKeditor - 2.3.zip (FCKeditot for Java), fckeditor_2.4.3.zip (the FCKeditor base file)
Set up a web project using FCKeditor 2.3.zip (FCKeditot for Java) to copy the fckeditor_2.4.3. Zip (FCKeditor base file) to the directory.
Modify the web.xml file, / FCKeditor/fckconfig.js file, and I dont have any problem with deleting more files.
In addition to the Commons - fileload.jar, the FCKeditor - 2.3.jar is copied to the web applications lib and copies xalan 2.7.7.jar otherwise it will be wrong to upload the image.
Solve the upload mess
Find in the simpleuploaderservlet.java and ConnectorServlet
DiskFileUpload = new DiskFileUpload ();
They were then added to the upload. SetHeaderEncoding ( utf-8 );
This solves the problem of Chinese scrambled file upload.
But it doesnt matter if the Chinese language is displayed in the console, but it doesnt matter, we dont need to look at the Chinese in the controls. After that, the upload is ok, but the file is still in the file, and the filter is not available in the web.xml, and it is modified in the tomcat home/conf/server.xml
In two places, plus URIEncoding = utf-8 :
The XML code
Connector port = 8080
MaxThreads = 150 minSpareThreads = 25 maxSpareThreads = 75
EnableLookups = false redirectPort = 8443 acceptCount = 100
Debug = 0 connectionTimeout = 20,000
DisableUploadTimeout = true URIEncoding = utf-8 /
Connector port = 8009
EnableLookups = false redirectPort = 8443 debug = 0
The pro
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