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mysqldump参数详解(国外英文资料) The mysqldump parameter specifies that the mysqldump parameter is large (the parameter comes from mysql5.19 source) parameter Parameters that All -databases, minus A Export the entire database. Mysqldump - uroot - p - all - databases All - tablespaces, minus Y Export all the table Spaces. Mysqldump - uroot -p - all-databases - all - tablespaces -- no -- tablespaces, minus y No table space information is exported. Mysqldump - uroot -p - all - databases - no - tablespaces - add - drop - the database Add the drop database statement before each database is created. Mysqldump - uroot -p - all - databases - add -drop - database - add - drop - table Each data table is created before adding the drop data table. (the default is to open the state, using the skip - add -drop -table option) Mysqldump - uroot - p - all - databases (default to add drop statements) Mysqldump - uroot-p - all-in-databases - skip - add -drop - table (cancel the drop statement) - add - the locks Increase the LOCK TABLES before each TABLE export and then UNLOCK TABLE. (the default is to open the state, using the skip - add -locks option) Mysqldump - uroot - p - all - databases (default to add LOCK statements) Mysqldump - uroot-ps-a-se-add-locks (cancel the LOCK statement) - allow - keywords Allow creation to be the name of the keyword. This is done by the table name in each column name. Mysqldump - uroot -p - all - databases - apply - slave - statements Add STOP SLAVE to CHANGE MASTER and add START SLAVE at the end of the export. The mysqldump - uroot -p - all - databases - character sets -- dir Directory of character set files The mysqldump - uroot -p - all - databases - character-sets - dir = / usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/charsets - comments Additional comment information. The default is to open, and you can use -- skip - comments Mysqldump - uroot - p - all - databases (default record comments) Mysqldump - uroot - p - all - databases - skip comments (uncomment) - compatible The


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