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VB实验G(国外英文资料) The G One, the purpose of the experiment Master the use of common controls Learn to program using common dialog controls Learn how to design a drop-down menu and pop-up menus Master the technique of creating multiple forms of Windows Learn about mouse and keyboard events and how they are written Synthesize the knowledge and write applications that have a visual interface Second, experimental content 1. Design an application, can use LostFocus legitimacy check the memory size of the input event process, to ensure that the last two characters is MB, the rest are numeric characters. When the user clicks the OK button, the selected information is displayed in the text box on the right. Code: Private Sub Command1_Click () List1. Clear List1. AddItem Combo1 If Option1 Then list1.additem Pentium II If Option2 Then list1.additem Pentium I If Option3 Then list1.additem Celeron Combo1. AddItem Text1 If Check1 Then list1.additem sound card If Check2 Then list1.additem Modem If Check3 Then list1.additem network adapter End Sub Private Sub Text1_LostFocus () So, st = UCase (text 1) Le = Len (st) If Not IsNumeric (Left (st, le - 2)) Or Right (st, 2) , Then MsgBox has illegal characters! Text1 = Text1. SetFocus End the If End Sub Design the following computer program Write interest calculations. When the principal, month, or annual interest rate is changed by the scroll bar, the value of the interest and the total interest are calculated immediately Code: Private Sub HScroll1_Change () Text1 = VScroll1. Value Text2 = HScroll1. Value Text3 = HScroll2. Value Text4 = Format (Text3/100) * (text2/12), 0.00 Text5 = Format (Val (Text4) + Val (Text1), 0.00) End Sub Private Sub HScroll2_Change () Text1 = VScroll1. Value Text2 = HScroll1. Value Text3 = HScroll2. Value Text4 = Format (Text3/100) * (text2/12), 0.00 Text5 = Format (Val (Text4) + Val (Text1), 0.00) End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Change () Text1 = VScroll1. Value Text2 = HScroll1. Value Text3 = HScroll2. Value Tex


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