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MsFlexGrid用法大全(转)(国外英文资料) Use of the MsFlexGrid control in VB (collection) assigns the text to the MsFlexGrid cell MsFlexGrid. TextMatrix (3, 1) = Hello inserts the background image in the MsFlexGrid control cell Set MsFlexGrid. CellPicture = LoadPicture ( C: \ temp \ 1.bmp ) selects a unit MsFlexGrid. Row = 1 MsFlexGrid. Col = 1 USES bold to format the currently selected unit MsFlexGrid. CellFontBold = True adds a new line Using the AddItem method, the content of the different cells is separated by the Tab character Dim the row as a string Row = AAA BBB MsFlexFrid1. AddItem row how to implement the MSFlexGrid control singular line background is white, the double-count line background is blue? Dim I As an Integer With MSFlexGrid1 AllowBigSelection = True to set the grid style The FillStyle = flexFillRepeat For I = 0 To.rows 1 A: Col =.col =.fixedcols ColSel =.cols () -.fixedcols - 1 If I Mod 2 = 0 Then CellBackColor = hc0c0c0 The Else CellBackColor = vbBlue blue End the If Next I End With How does MSFlexGrid control move to the last line Msflexgrid1.toprow = msflexgrid1.rows - 1 how to determine whether msflexgrid has scrollbars Declare Function GetScrollRange Lib user32 (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nBar As Long, lpMinPos As) Long, lpMaxPos As Long) As Long Public Const SB_HORZ = h0 Public Const SB_VERT = H1 The Public Function VsScroll (MshGrid As MSHFlexGrid) As Boolean determines the visibility of the horizontal scroll bar Dim As Long I VsScroll = False I = GetScrollRange (MshGrid. HWnd, SB_HORZ, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos) If lpMaxPos lpMinPos Then VsScroll = True End the Function The Public Function HeScroll (MshGrid As MSHFlexGrid) As Boolean determines the visibility of the vertical scroll bar Dim As Long I HeScroll = False I = GetScrollRange (MshGrid. HWnd, SB_VERT, lpMinPos, lpMaxPos) If lpMaxPos lpMinPos Then HeScroll = True End the Function When program runs, you want to dynamically add the number of MSFlexgrid columns Insert a column after


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