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VxVM常用命令收集(国外英文资料) one Check the machine: The SUns minicomputer is written on the panel, such as NETRA T 1125, and utra 5, utra 10 and so on. Check the number of cpus (incorrect, incorrect, because the top command in sun doesnt see all the CPU usage, as does HP) # top CPU states: 99.3% idle, 0.1% user, 0.6% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap There is only one CPU The correct approach: With the dmesg | grep CPU, you can see the correct number of cpus. 3, for memory # dmesg | grep mem Mem = 2097152K (0 The avail mem = 2087739392 Check the number of disks # vxdisk list DEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS C0t0d0s2 - error C0t0d0s7 simple c0t0d0s7 rootdg online C1t0d0s2 - online C1t1d0s2 sliced smpdg2 SMPDG online C1t2d0s2 sliced smpdbdg1 SMPDBDG online C2t0d0s2 - online C2t1d0s2 sliced smpdg1 SMPDG online C2t2d0s2 sliced smpdbdg2 SMPDBDG online How to view the file system # df - k. Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on / dev/DSK/DSK/c0t0d0s01050675 2941146 / / proc 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Fd 0, 0, 0, 0, /dev/fd / dev/DSK/c0t0d0s6 7304977 7231899 / home / dev/DSK/DSK/c0t0d0s5 4032142 42929 3588892, 11/opt Swap 3418392 323418360 1% / TMP / vol/dev/DSK/c0t6d0 / informix 2017730 0100/cdrom/informix / dev/vx/DSK/SMPDG/smpdg-stat 1055, 941 percent per smpwork / dev/vx/DSK/SMPDG/lv_smp1280791% / SMS View the position of volume groups and logical volumes # CD/dev/vx/DSK / For example, SMPDG and so on are in the directory, and then you go to a volume group directory and you can see the logical volumes under the volume group. How do you create a volume group, a logical volume, a file system A, create the SMPDG logical volume group (assuming that you now have the c1t1d0 and c1t2d0 two physical disks to create the SMCPDG logical volume group) Vxdisksetup - I c1t1d0 (formatted physical disk) Vxdisksetup -i c2t1d0 VXDG init smpdg1 = c2t1d0 (the physical disk is added to the logical volume group, SMPDG) Vxdg-g SMPDG adddisk Then you create the logical


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