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几个系统函数(国外英文资料) 1. The window information MS provides us with functions to open a particular desktop and enumerate the desktop window. HDesk = OpenDesktop (lpszDesktop, 0, FALSE, DESKTOP_ENUMERATE); / / open our Default Default desktop; EnumDesktopWindows (WNDENUMPROC) / / enumerations open all the Windows on the desktop, implemented by callback functions. (HWND, LPARAM); / / in the callback function, we can get the title of the window and the associated process, thread information; GetWindowText (hWnd, szWindowText, dwMaxCount); GetWindowThreadProcessId (hWnd). Device driver information (the service and device drivers are similar, do not repeat) The device driver information is managed by the service control manager (SCM). I will open the service control manager and enumerate all the device drivers. OpenSCManager (NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); / / open the service control manager with all permissions; EnumServicesStatus (schManager, dwDeviceType, dwDeviceState, EnumStatus, dwBufSize, And dwdevicesback, dwResumeHandle) / / enumerating the current state of all devices; CloseServiceHandle (schManager); / / remember to close the service handle after the end of the visit. OpenService (schManager, szDeviceName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); / / open a specific device driver; QueryServiceConfig (schDevice lpDeviceConfig, 1024 * 8, dwBytesNeeded); / / query drivers service configuration information; QueryServiceStatus (schDevice, DeviceStatus); / / query the current state of the device driver; QueryServiceConfig2 (schDevice, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, (LPBYTE) lpDeviceDescription, 8 * 1024, dwBytesNeeded / / the description of the query device; StartService (0, NULL); / / boot device; ControlService (schDevice, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, DeviceStatus); / / stop the equipment; DeleteService (schDevice); / / remove equipment; Disk information We want information on all disks on the system, including floppy disks, hard disks, disks, etc. GetLogicalDriveStrings (dwBufferLength, l


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