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VBA快捷键(国外英文资料) A lot of, most dont remember also need not! Commonly used for all Windows operations: Ctrl + C Ctrl + V Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y Ctrl + B -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Ctrl + shortcut The key that Ctrl + (unhide all hidden rows in the selected range. Ctrl +) unhide all hidden columns in the selected range. Ctrl + applies the outer box to the selected cell. Ctrl + _ removes the outer box from the selected cell. Ctrl + ~ apply normal digital format. Ctrl + $application contains two decimal currency formats (negative in parentheses). Ctrl + % application does not take the percentage format of the decimal place. Ctrl + ^ application index format with two decimal places. Ctrl + # applies a date format with dates, months, and years. Ctrl + @ applies the time format of hours and minutes and AM or PM. Ctrl +! The application has a numeric format with two decimal places, thousands of delimiters, and minus (minus) (for negative). Ctrl + - displays the delete dialog box for removing the selected cell. Ctrl + * selects the current area of the active cell (a data area enclosed by blank lines and blank columns). In the data perspective table, it will select the entire data perspective table. Ctrl + : enter the current time. Ctrl +; Enter the current date. Ctrl + ` switch shown in the worksheet cell value and formula. Ctrl + copies the formula from the cell above the active cell to the cell or edit column. Ctrl + copies the value from the cell above the active cell to the cell or edit column. The ctrl+ + displays the insert dialog for inserting a blank cell. Ctrl + 1 shows the cell format dialog. Ctrl + 2 to apply or uninstall the bold format. Ctrl + 3 application or untilting format Settings. Ctrl + 4 to apply or cancel the underscore. Ctrl + 5 application or undelete line. Ctrl + 6 switches between the


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