
20131022【Lesson 2】湘雅博爱 英语兴趣小组 词汇系列.ppt

20131022【Lesson 2】湘雅博爱 英语兴趣小组 词汇系列.ppt

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Lesson 2 Completeness 2/5 ■Review Use?alphabet?magnets?on?the?fridge,?write?it?in?steam?on?the window,?in chalk?on the?garden?path,?in?utensils on the?kitchen table?and?in?ribbon?on the?bed. Clinic?experiments?prove that?rehabilitation?therapy?to?the?sprained?ankle effectively?promotes?functional?recovery?of?ankle?joint?and?prevents? future injury. To?reach?any?destination,?you?can neither?drift?nor?lie?at?anchor. Economics?is?the?dismal?science, in?part?because?it?puts a?price?tag?on the pleasure?of?moralizing. A?cancer?is?a?malignant?tumour. ■Digression Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish philosopher,?satirical?writer,?essayist,?historian?and teacher during the?Victorian era. ojo –Spanish,eye M,Semitic men,water ■Subject Apophony/ Ablaut Vowel:[a] [e] [i] [o] [u] ①a-e-i-o-u ②eg.sit-seat ③eg.ride-road-raid leon,lion [figure]Coat of arms of Sierra Leone West African nation, Serra de Le?o, literally lion mountains, from Spanish sierra mountain range + leon lion . 1462, Pêro de Sintra, Portuguese explorers, roaring of thunder in the mountains. Dandelion, from French dent de lion, literally lions tooth (from its toothed leaves) al,ol,el,ul -grow up old elder abolish adult altitude enhance min,men -little minute (*meeting minutes) menu minister ministry administer administration minor minority minimum ■Summary: number an,on,in,un,oun a any one inch =1/12 foot onion union unique ounce =1/12 pound two,twi,dou two twice double doubt three,thir,tri three thirteen thirty trivial triple six,sex six semester four,for four fourteen forty fiv,fing,fist,pent five, fifth 1/5 finger fist pentagon To be continued See U next time 湘雅博爱康复医院英语兴趣小组 * * * *


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