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09双学历学位翻译第二十二讲 09双学历学位翻译第二十二讲 (论说) In this period well focus on the translation of exposition:example 8 , 9 and exercise 9.10,11. As we know, exposition in English is an important writing skill. In translating this kind of articles we should pay much attention to the transitions such as introductory transitions and linking transitions. In addition, we should know the structure of exposition which consists of three parts that are introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Teaching procedure: 1. The translation of example 8: If you are to punish a man retributively, you must injure him. Retributively--报应的; 报复的 如果你有意惩罚一个人,非使其受苦不可。 If you are to reform him, you must improve him. 如果你想改造一个人,则教他向善才是。 志在惩罚??使人受苦 志在改造?“教人向善 To propose to punish and reform people by the same operation is exactly as if you were to take a man suffering from pneumonia, and attempt to combine punitive and curative treatment. 想要一举而收惩罚与改造之效,无异对肺炎患者施行治罪兼治病的疗法。 Arguing that a man with pneumonia is a danger to the community, and that he need not to catch it if he takes proper care of his health, you resolve that he shall have a severe lesson, both to punish him for his negligence and pulmonary肺部的 weakness and to deter others from following his example. 因为此人染上肺炎,危害社会,若是保养得宜,本来可以避免;所以决定狠狠教训一番,一则罚其失慎与肺弱,二则以儆效尤。 改译:因为此人染上肺炎,危害社会,如果注意健康,本来可以避免;所以决定将他狠狠教训一番,让其为粗心而得肺病付出代价,并以此告诫他人。 You therefore strip him naked, and in that condition stand him all night in the snow. ??立雪通宵。 ??站在雪地冻他个通宵。 A Board of Commissioners ordering such treatment would prove thereby that either they were imbeciles低能者or else they were hotly in earnest认真地about punishing the patient and not in the least in earnest about curing him. board of commissioners [美]南部西部各州县级行政机构 settled down to study in earnest for the examination. 坚定决心认真坐下来复习准备考试 2. Example 9: Of Studies 论学问,论读书, 说学, 谈读书 STUDIES sever for delight,(serve) for ornament, and (serve) for ability. 读书让人充满快乐, 增添光彩, 增长才干 Their chief use for delight, is in privatene


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