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rush v. 冲;奔 They?rushed?up the stairs. 他们冲到楼上。 Then she?rushed?home to tell the news to the family. ?? 然后,她急匆匆赶回家,把消息告诉家人。 He?rushed?to see the parade. ?? 他跑去看游行。 rush into 冲进; 匆忙进入 rush off 仓促跑掉 rush out 仓促地跑出 rush about?到处奔波, 到处乱撞 rush forward?向前冲 rush at?攻击, 冲向 rush to?匆匆到… rush for?抢… 知识链接 一般来说都用 in the morning / afternoon / evening,但是前若有定语修饰时,介词一律用on。 The old man died?on?a?rainy and?windy evening. 这个老人死于一个风雨交加的夜晚。 on a windy afternoon 在一个有风的下午 on school nights 在有晚自修的晚上 on a rainy evening 在一个下雨的晚上 on Sunday morning 在周日上午? 【2013湖南株洲】The students will have a party ______ the evening of June 18th. A. on B. at C. in 【2013四川雅安】 They arrived _______ Shanghai _______ a cold morning. A. in; in B. in; on C. at; on D. at; in A B 7. … and who is protecting her books against the showers. protect sth. against sth. 保护……;使……不受…… This medicine will protect you against return of the illness. 这种药会防止你的疾病复发。 protection n. 保护;防卫 protect from和protect against都是“保护…以防…; 防御…”的意思, 其区别是: 1).当防御的对象是“危害”或较小的事情,如冷气等时, 要用protect from; 当防御的对象是“袭击”或较大的事情, 如天灾时, 要用protect against。 2). protect against强调防止against的宾语做某事; protect from则强调保护protect的宾语不受…。 知识链接 (2010·江苏省连云港市) To ________ nature is to help ourselves, or we will be punished.  A. protect B. prevent C. provide D. pollute A protect的适当形式或短语填空 1). Trees can _________ crops _________ the attack from strong wind. 2). He raised his arm to _________ his face ______ the blow. 3). The president traveled under the _________ of a number of soldiers. protect against protect from protection 8. He Zhong manages to show how this great new band moves and sounds, ... manage 意思是“设法完成、做成” We?managed?to finish the work ahead of time. ?? 我们设法提前完成了工作。 How do you?manage?to keep the place so tidy? ?你是怎样把这里保持得如此整洁的? 他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage


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