
第三小组 世界着名巧克力.ppt

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Swiss triangle Toblerone chocolate Toblerone瑞士三角巧克力 The triangle is the name of the chocolate by a surname Tobler and a meaning professional almond sugar words torrone merger and become. Toblerone the name was in 1908 by the world to know, a year later, the unique contains almond, toffee and honey of chocolate for the first patent: twin-spired triangle packaging. The Swiss origin TOBLERONE chocolate triangle series, KRAFT Foods is famous food company the ace of products. TOBLERONE triangle series is marketing world 100 DuoGe countries, there are more than 130 years of history. Its reputation known. Today, the Swiss triangle chocolate has three different flavors: dark chocolate, white chocolate and milk chocolate, in 110 countries around the world DuoGe are visible to its lovely shape. 三角巧克力的名字是由一个姓“Tobler”和一个意思是“专业杏仁糖”的单词“torrone”合并而成的。“Toblerone”这个名字就在1908年被全世界所知道,一年后,这个独一无二含有杏仁、太妃糖和蜂蜜的巧克力申请了第一个专利:尖顶的三角形包装。 瑞士原产的TOBLERONE三角系列巧克力,是著名食品公司KRAFT Foods的王牌产品。TOBLERONE三角系列已经行销世界100多个国家,有超过 130年以上的悠久历史。其口碑众人皆知。 今天,瑞士三角巧克力已拥有三种不同的口味:黑巧克力,白巧克力和牛奶巧克力,在全世界110多个国家均可见到它可爱的模样。 BARRY CALLEBAUT百乐.嘉利宝 百乐嘉利宝是全球领先的优质可可和巧克力生产商,产品范围从可可豆到商店货架上的成品。百乐嘉利宝成立于1996年,由比利时嘉利宝公司和法国可可百乐公司合并而成。百乐嘉利宝生产可可和巧克力制品的历史已超过150年。 The LeJia the treasure is the leading global quality cocoa and chocolate manufacturers, the product range from cocoa beans to store shelves of finished products. The LeJia yue yuen in 1996 by Belgium Carrie precious company and France le company merger and cocoa into. The LeJia the treasure production cocoa and chocolate products has more than 150 years of history. Duc Do 1983年,Henry Verhelst先生创建了迪克多巧克力品牌。 迪克多巧克力一直以生产口味丰富的各色夹心巧克力,夹心松露巧克力,和酒心巧克力而著称。在各种原料中,它对可可脂、榛仁、名牌利口酒、果肉和杏仁的选择格外关注,而其中一些巧克力夹心果馅是自制的,这就使迪克多更具有独一无二的风味 In 1983, Henry Verhelst founded by Mr DiKeDuo chocolate brand. DiKeDuo chocolate has been to the production


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