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英语语音与语法 语音第四讲 Linking of Sounds 连读 相同辅音的连读 当前一个单词结尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的辅音相同时,不需要把相同的音发两遍,只需合并成一个音,同时发音延长。 ripe pear more rain some money good deal bought tea What time is it? The shirt turned out to be new. Linking of Sounds 连读 2. 辅音与元音连读 (p87) 前一个单词末尾的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音连读。 I have a big bag. There were lots of people in the hall. He’s angry. What time is it now? Turn on the TV, please. Your answer is right. Don’t give it up. Linking of Sounds 连读 3. 失去爆破 (p69) 英语单词中词与词的交界处常出现两个爆破音连在一起的情况。而失去爆破就是【p】【b】【t】【d】【k】【g】这6个爆破音中任何一个后面紧跟着另一个爆破音或摩擦音、破擦音、鼻音、舌边音时,前一个爆破音就失去爆破。但要注意,前一个爆破音虽然不再发音,但仍然存在,我们要摆好发音姿势,即舌位要摆对,稍作停顿后再发下一个辅音。 Linking of Sounds 连读 4. 特殊的同化音 同化指的是在单词或句子中,相邻的两个音互相影响而产生这两个音以外的其他音。这样做是为了发音更省力、语音更流畅。而且了解这些同化音还对我们提高听力水平大有好处。同化音大致有以下几组: (1) /t/+/j/ — It’s nice to meet you. Is that your book? (2) /d/+/j/ — Would you like some coffee? Hand your book to me. Linking of Sounds 连读 (3) /s/+/j/ — I miss you. I’m going to Paris this year. (4) /z/+/j/ — Here’s your book. He got up as early as usual. Practice: Big Big World Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... I can see the first leaf falling its all yellow and nice Its so very cold outside like the way Im feeling inside Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... Outside its now raining and tears are falling from my eyes why did it have to happen why did it all have to end Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... I have your arms around me ooooh like fire but when I open my eyes youre gone... Im a big big girl in a big big world Its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... Im a big big girl in a big big world I


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