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Learning and Testing of English Reading 1. Points of Awareness necessary for the Learning of Reading; 2. Focuses in the Testing of Reading Comprehension; 3. Focuses in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension; 4. Principles in the Design of Test Items On Reading Comprehension; 5. 09年高考英语考试阅读题分析. 普通高中英语阅读技能目标(七级) 1.能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息; 2.能理解文章主旨和作者意图; 3.能通过上下文克服生词困难,理解语篇义; 4.能通过文章中的线索进行推理; 5.能根据需要从网络等资源中获取信息; 6.能阅读适合高中生的英语报刊或杂志; 7.除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到23万词以上。 --普通高中英语课程标准 Requirements in the Testing of Reading Comprehension 《2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(广东卷)英语考试大纲的说明》中对阅读的要求: 考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。 I. Points of Awareness Necessaryfor the Learning of Reading 1. Meaning lies in the linguistic context. 2. Meaning lies in comparison. 3. A text is a “passage”--a channel for the author to share information, thoughts and feelings with the reader. 4. A text is the reflection of the value judgment of its author, including the purpose, the attitude and the preference of the author. I. Points of Awareness Necessaryfor the Learning of Reading 5. A text is the embodiment of a linguistic system composed of the following five subsystems: a. phonology; b. graphology; c. lexis; d. syntax; e. semantics. I. Points of Awareness Necessaryfor the Learning of Reading 6. Generalization and Specification in a text: argument and illustration 7. Meaning can be found along the lines —explicitly. 8. Meaning can be found between the lines —implicitly. 9. Dictionaries to be recommended: Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese –; Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. II. Focuses in the Testing of Reading Comprehension 1. Factual understanding—search for information about facts; 2. Understanding of the main idea of the text; 3. Understanding of the purpose, or the attitude of the author. III. Focuses in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension 1. Activation of learners’ prior knowledge; 2. T
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