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摘 要 近年来,随着现代信息技术的发展和相关的网络环境的完善,以网上交易为核心内容的电子商务迅速发展起来。电子商务的优势之一是大大简化业务流程,降低企业运作成本,而电子商务中的企业成本优势的建立和保护必须以可靠和高效的物流运作为保证,这也是现代企业在竞争中取胜的关键。借助因特网,商务活动过程中的信息流,资金流和商流可在瞬间实现,但因特网实现物流的能力十分有限,仅限于数字产品。适应电子商务物流系统的功能应该是在准确的时间将准确数量的准确产品以最低的费用送达准确的地点.因此电子商务需要与其运作相适应的物流系统支持。电子商务物流管理,使企业间实现即时信息交流,市场信息即时送达各生产环节,企业与企业间可即时更改定单以适应市场的突变。目前,随着市场竞争的不断深化和加剧,企业建立竞争优势的关键已由节约原材料的第一利润源泉,提高劳动生产率的第二利润源泉转向建立高效的物流系统的第三利润源泉。因此有必要进行电子商务物流管理模式的研究,以促进我国物流管理改革。 本文首先论述了物流、电子商务和电子商务物流的理论框架,接着应用理论及案例分析方法,结合当前几种典型的物流形式,分析了电子商务环境下物流的发展模式,指出了构建电子商务环境下物流模式的途径。最后总结了我国电子商务物流模式的发展趋势并提出了建议。 关键词:电子商务; 物流配送; 模式比较 Abstract In recent years, with the development of modern information technology and related network environment improved to online transactions as the core content of the e-commerce developed rapidly. One of the advantages of e-commerce is greatly simplified business processes, reduce business operating costs, and e-commerce enterprises in the cost advantage of the establishment and protection must be reliable and highly efficient logistics operation that this is also a modern enterprise in the competition to win the key . With the Internet, business activities in the process of information flow, capital flow and flow to be realized in an instant, but the logistics of the Internet to achieve very limited capacity, limited to digital products. Adapt to the function of e-commerce logistics system should be accurate in the time to accurately the exact number of products at the lowest cost of service of accurate location. So instead of e-commerce need to adapt to the operation of the logistics system to support. E-commerce logistics management so that enterprises to achieve real-time exchange of information, real-time market information service of the production processes, enterprises and between enterprises can immediately change the order of the mutation to adapt to the market. Now, with the continuous deepening of market competition and intensified, the establishment of competitive advantage has been the key


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